Pool and billiard tables exist in many different sizes… from small 6 foot pub tables all the way to full size 9, 10 & 12 foot tables. In order to work out what is the best size table for your room it’s best to work backwards and start with the room size first.
The table below shows an absolute “minimum” room size and a “comfortable” room size for just about every size table available:
Pool Table Size | Minimum Room Size with 48″ Cue |
Comfortable Room Size with 58″ Cue |
6 foot (6′ x 3′) | 14′ x 11′ | 16′ x 13′ |
7 foot (7′ x 3.5′) | 14′ 6″ x 11′ 6″ | 16′ 2″ x 13′ |
8 foot (8′ x 4′) | 15′ 6″ x 12′ | 17′ x 13′ 6″ |
8.5 foot (8.5′ x 4.25′) | 18′ x 14′ | 17′ 4″ x 14′ |
9 foot (9′ x 4.5′) | 16′ 6″ x 12′ 6″ | 18′ x 14′ |
10 foot (10′ x 5′) | 18′ 6″ x 13′ 6″ | 20′ x 15′ |
12 foot (12′ x 6′) | 20′ 6″ x 14′ 6″ | 22′ x 16′ |
The standard cue size is 48″ and most cues supplied with a pool table will be this length. There are longer and shorter cues available so if your room is tight then these are an option. If you plan on using 58″ cues then you will need more space than using 48″ cues.
As a general rule you should add “2 times” the length of the cue stick to all sides of the table
If you use a 48″ cue then you should add 96″ around all sides of the table to allow for enough room.
Keep in mind that the actual size of a pool table will be different to the size of the playing surface. The physical size of the table isn’t as important as the playing surface size when it comes to sizing a room.
What height should a pool table be?
The World Pool Billiard Association (WPA) indicates that pool table sizes should be 29.5 inches to 31 inches high. Once the interior dimensions of the billiard equipment is measured, it becomes easy to order the standard felt size for the table surface from local or even online suppliers. So, for instance if the if the measure is close to 39 x 78 inches, the felt purchased should have an estimate of 48 inches by 90 inches. Thus it allows for overlap so as to secure the felt. In that case, tables are often custom built with say a 7 foot table measuring 39 x 78, 37 x77 or even 40 x79. These all induce into a seven-foot table felt, which also has a pivotal role when understanding how to measure a pool table.
What height should a pool table light be?
Pool table lights can be an annoying distraction if they hang too high or too low. The light shouldn’t hang so low that it may get hit with a cue stick but it shouldn’t hang so high that the light shines in your eyes.
The ideal height for a pool table light is 30″ to 36″ above the playing surface and 60″ to 63″ above the floor
Remember, it’s a good idea to install your pool table lighting on chains so the height can be adjusted as needed.
Buying the right size pool table is critical to every man cave. Nothing is worse than having a game severely affected by your cue hitting a wall.